Stuvia Review: A Viable Platform for Selling College Notes?

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While college expenses, including tuition, books, and living costs, can quickly accumulate and pose a financial challenge for students, innovative ways exist to alleviate the financial burden. For instance, in addition to exploring platforms like Stuvia, where students can earn extra cash by selling class notes online, another resourceful approach is accessing free textbooks online to mitigate further the costs associated with education. Let us read the Stuvia review in this article. 

On Stuvia, students can sign up for free to upload and list their study materials, such as class notes, summaries, and assignments. Other students worldwide can then purchase these materials through the site. As the creator, you get to choose the price for your content. Once something sells, Stuvia takes a small cut, and you receive the remainder through your preferred payment method.

With hundreds of thousands of documents bought and sold, Stuvia has proven to be a popular marketplace for student-generated study materials. It offers a convenient way for note-takers to profit from their work while helping other students find reliable resources. Whether you’re looking for an additional income stream or extra resources for your courses, Stuvia could be worth checking out. Read on to learn more about the Stuvia review. 

What Stuvia Offers

Stuvia is an online platform that connects students who create study materials with those seeking help with their courses. Students can earn money by uploading notes, summaries, essays, and other documents they create. This is one of the best ways to make money as a grad student. Also, this is a Stuvia review to guide you.stuvia

Others can then purchase these materials through the Stuvia website. Students set their item prices, keeping most of the money from each sale. Stuvia takes a small percentage. This allows students to profit from the work they already do for classes. It’s an excellent way to earn extra spending or help pay for books and supplies.

Target Audience

Stuvia is aimed at college and university students all over the world. Students taking detailed notes or creating other study materials for their courses can look to buy materials on Stuvia and are usually enrolled in classes. The site helps students worldwide find notes, summaries, and other documents at affordable prices to aid in learning. Those creating and buying materials can gain through this online marketplace set up by Stuvia.

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Stuvia Review: Getting Started with Stuvia

Stuvia is a platform where students can sell their study notes and materials online. It allows you to make some extra cash from the notes you take in your classes. On Stuvia, you can upload many notes, like summaries, assignments, essays, etc, for free. Then, you get to decide how much others can buy your notes.Freelance Writing

When someone buys your notes, Stuvia will take a 30% cut from the amount. The minimum price for notes should be $2.5. You will be paid through Stripe once your earnings reach $10. It generally takes three days for your first sale after uploading notes. You can also sell your notes on other sites, and Stuvia won’t mind, except for flashcards where they claim ownership.

Give it a try by making an account on Stuvia’s website. Just make sure you are following your college’s policies on selling notes. Overall, it is an easy platform to use to earn pocket money while studying if you are already trying to take good notes. So, with this, you learn more about the Stuvia sell notes review. 

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Earning Potential and Fees

When making money from your notes on Stuvia, there are a few essential things to know and see in this Stuviacom review.

First, you get to choose the price for each study material. Most sellers generally price their notes between $5-$20. Some more in-depth guides may sell for $30 or more. The significant part is you can see what others are pricing similar materials to help set your rates.

Now, Stuvia does take a small cut of each sale. Their fee is 30% of the total price. So, if you sell a set of notes for $10, you’ll earn $7, while Stuvia keeps $3. It’s important to factor this fee into your to make money as a grad student

Most active Stuvia sellers earn around $75-150 per month. But some top sellers earn much more. With hard work and high-quality materials, you can earn over $500 or even $1000 monthly through Stuvia if you consistently get good sales.

The payments are made weekly through Paypal or bank transfer. You’ll get paid once your earnings reach at least $10. Stuvia has spent over $3 million total on sellers so far. So, you can earn extra spending through Stuvia with suitable materials in high-demand subjects. Just be sure to follow their terms of use.

Pros and Cons

Let us look at the pros and cons in this Stuvia review: pros and cons


  • You can earn money by selling your study notes and materials on Stuvia. As the seller, you have complete control over pricing and can earn a commission on every sale.
  • It’s free to create an account and list study materials on Stuvia. You don’t pay any listing fees.
  • Stuvia provides an easy-to-use platform that connects students looking to buy notes and materials with those looking to sell them. The marketplace makes it simple to purchase and sell.
  • As the copyright owner of your notes, you can list them on multiple platforms, not just Stuvia. This allows you to cast a wider net to find buyers.


  • Stuvia takes a 30% commission on every sale. You only earn 70% of the list price you set for your notes and materials.
  • Some schools and universities may have policies prohibiting the sale of lecture notes and course materials. Be sure to check your school’s rules.
  • Writing high-quality study materials and notes to sell can take time. You have to invest effort upfront without a guarantee of sales.
  • Stuvia claims copyright over any flashcards you create. This means you can’t list or sell those flashcards elsewhere.

Safety and Security

Stuvia takes security and privacy very seriously. As a student seller, you can feel safe knowing Stuvia protects your personal information.

When you open an account, you only need to provide your name and email address and create a password. No other private details are required. Your account is also protected with secure SSL encryption technology. This helps ensure your login information stays

Stuvia also has detailed policies to maintain a respectful, kind community. They prohibit selling inappropriate content and monitor for any policy violations. The platform aims to be a safe, supportive space for all students.

As a buyer, you can trust that the study materials on Stuvia come directly from other students – just like you. Reviews from over a million users also help you purchase high-quality notes from reputable sellers. If any issues do occur, Stuvia has customer service available to assist.

Stuvia’s security measures and community guidelines help create a protected environment for students selling notes and looking to buy helpful resources. Both aspects are essential for feeling at ease using the platform.

User Experience and Feedback

Stuvia is a great platform that allows students to buy and sell study notes and course materials. From reading reviews online, buyers and sellers have had a positive experience using Stuvia customer reviews.

For students buying notes, they appreciate being able to find detailed study materials at affordable prices. This helps save them time from having to rewrite all their notes or try to find information elsewhere. Many reviews mention that the notes on Stuvia are high quality and help them understand concepts

For those selling notes, most say it’s an easy way to earn extra money from the work they’ve already put into their classes. With Stuvia, sellers can set their prices and not have to pay fees to upload materials. They also like that payments are processed weekly. A few sellers said they had earned thousands of dollars in college from selling on Stuvia.

Of course, like any platform, Stuvia has room for improvement. Some users felt the site could have better organization of materials or more robust search functions. A few sellers also wished commissions were lower than the 30% taken on each sale.

Overall, though, feedback shows Stuvia is providing a helpful service for students, and most users are satisfied with their experience buying and selling on the site. Both aspects generally work smoothly and as intended for most people.

Stuvia Compared to Other Platforms

Stuvia is one of many platforms where you can sell your study notes. Some other popular options include StudySoup and NexusNotes.

StudySoup pays authors more money per document sold compared to Stuvia. On average, authors earn around $5-10 per document on StudySoup. However, StudySoup owns the rights to any notes uploaded on their site. So, if you upload on StudySoup, you can’t sell those same notes on other platforms.comparison

Stuvia allows authors to retain full rights to their notes. So, if a note doesn’t sell well on Stuvia, authors are free to try selling it on another site, like NexusNotes. However, Stuvia takes a more significant cut (30%) of the sale price compared to StudySoup’s 20% commission.

NexusNotes is smaller than both Stuvia and StudySoup. So, you may find fewer buyers for your notes on NexusNotes. However, they only take a 15% commission from note sales.

So, Stuvia Reviews strikes a good balance between paying authors well and allowing them to retain ownership rights. The large user base on Stuvia also makes it easier to find buyers for your notes. However, authors should consider selling on multiple platforms to maximize their earning potential from their study notes.


How does Stuvia work?

Stuvia allows students to buy and sell study notes online. You can sign up and upload your notes to your author account as a seller. Buyers can search for notes by subject or class and purchase them directly on the site. Stuvia takes a small cut of around 30% from each sale and pays the rest to the author.

How do I get a refund from Stuvia?

If you purchased a study note on Stuvia but aren't happy with it, you can request a refund within 7 days of purchase. Log into your account, go to 'Purchase History,' and click 'Request Refund' below the order. Stuvia reviews all refund requests and will process them if approved.

How does Stuvia pay?

Stuvia pays authors every week through direct deposit. They use Stripe to process payments. You'll get paid for all your note sales from the previous week if your earnings are over $10. Earnings under $10 will be accumulated and paid out once it crosses the minimum.

How do I use my Stuvia credit?

If you have Stuvia credit from a refund or site credit in your account, you can use it to purchase new study notes. When checking out, the available credit will automatically apply to your order. Any remaining balance can be paid by credit/debit card. Just make sure your credit is more than the order amount.


To make college more affordable, platforms like Stuvia offer students a practical avenue to earn extra cash by selling their class notes online. While academic integrity concerns may linger, the platform is a straightforward means for students to leverage their educational efforts financially. If you possess high-quality notes from a class with proven demand, trying out Stuvia could supplement your income. It’s a legitimate way to ease the financial strain of college expenses. Moreover, for students seeking additional financial flexibility, exploring credit cards designed specifically for college students can be prudent, providing convenience and potential rewards when used responsibly. We hope this review article on Stuvia review helped you know everything about it.